Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Hosting
Our Linux cloud hosting feature over 3400 Perl modules that you'll be able to take advantage of as part of your CGI scripts or web-based applications. They include both widespread and less popular ones, in order to offer you different options in terms of what functions you're able to add to your websites. A couple of examples are Apache::SOAP, CGI::Session, GD, Image::Magick, URI, LWP and many others. A full list is available in the Server Information section of our custom-built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, that is provided with all of the shared accounts. In the same place, you can find the Perl version which we have along with the path to the modules that you will need to use in your scripts so as to call a specific module from our library.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you would like to work with a Perl-based web application or CGI script, you'll be able to use 3400+ different modules which can be found on our cloud hosting platform and are part of each and every semi-dedicated server that we provide. You shall be able to see the entire list at any time via your Hepsia Control Panel along with the folder path necessary for your scripts to access the modules. We recognize the fact that some third-party programs may require modules that are not really popular in order to operate efficiently, hence the big number which we have installed on our end. URI, LWP, DBD::mysql and Image::Magick are some of the modules that you will be able to use with your Perl apps no matter the plan that you choose.